long term care reform

Want To Know Where Senior Care Is Headed? Keep An Eye On Kindred Healthcare

For an important clue into the future of senior care in the U.S., watch Kindred Healthcare, a $5 billion company that operates in 47 states.  As recently as 2010, half of Kindred’s business was generated by its skilled nursing facilities. This year, only one-fifth of its revenues will come from its nursing and rehab centers. In a major strategic shift, [...]

Finally, Modest Progress Toward Long-Term Care Financing Reform

For the first time in years, there is hope that the U.S. can create a new model to help families finance long-term supports and services.  The solution isn’t yet visible, and lawmakers won’t address the issue any time soon. But a wide range of private interests including long-term care providers, consumer groups, the insurance industry, and policy analysts seems to [...]

The Real Value of ObamaCare Has Nothing to do with Enrollment

The loud debate over how many people have gotten health insurance under the Affordable Care Act misses the point. Yes, reducing the number of uninsured was one goal of the ACA. But only one. The law’s most enduring legacy will come from its historical—but largely unnoticed—changes in the way health care is delivered. Unlike the insurance expansion, which largely excludes Medicare, many [...]

A PBS NewsHour Panel On How To Care For Aging Americans

On Monday, I participated in a PBS NewsHour panel on how to improve services and supports for an aging America. PBS brought together a diverse group of long-term care experts to discuss some interesting international models for delivering supports and services to the frail elderly in a way that allows them to preserve their dignity and independence. The models ranged from [...]

By |2013-11-07T00:51:20-05:00November 7th, 2013|Aging, long term care reform|0 Comments

What Can We Learn from Successful Long-Term Care Delivery Models?

On Monday, Nov. 4, I’ll be on a panel with a group of some highly respected long-term care policy experts to discuss some international creative models for delivering supports and services. The program, which will be held in Washington, is sponsored by the PBS Newshour and funded by the SCAN Foundation. We’ll be discussing a broad range of ideas—from the [...]

By |2013-10-30T18:27:53-04:00October 30th, 2013|Aging, long term care reform|0 Comments

It Is Time To Think About Catastrophic Long-Term Care Insurance

Why is there no catastrophic long-term care insurance? It could benefit millions of middle-income people who are able to pay for a few years of services and supports on their own but need to protect themselves against the risk of a very long period of need that would impoverish all but a handful of us. Even though catastrophic coverage is a [...]

Divided Congressional LTC Panel Will Urge Modest Delivery Reforms, Deadlocks on Financing

A divided congressional long-term care commission has adopted a package of recommendations aimed at improving the nation’s long-term supports and services.  However, while a majority of the panel agreed on some modest delivery and workforce reforms, it could not reach a consensus on all-important financing solutions. In effect, the commission will recommend changes that would effectively retain the current framework of financing [...]

Costs of Long-Term Care Rise While Payment Options Narrow

It is a cruel paradox: As the cost of long-term care rises and the number of people needing it grows, traditional options for paying for these supports and services are narrowing. Traditional private long-term care insurance is largely disappearing from the marketplace. Reverse mortgages, already something of a niche product, are likely to become harder to get-- especially for those [...]

Long-Term Care Commission Must Finish By Sept. 30

The Congressional Long-Term Care Commission met for the first time on Thursday, just two days after naming an executive director. But members acknowledge they have no choice but to finish in barely 90 days. That’s an absurdly short amount of time for the panel to meet the ambitious goal Congress gave it—to recommend ways to improve the way we deliver [...]

Long-Term Care Commission Names Chernof Chair, Will Meet On June 27

The Congressional Long-Term Care Commission has selected SCAN Foundation president Bruce A. Chernof as its chair and Mark Warshawsky, director of retirement research at the consulting firm Towers Watson, as Vice Chair. The panel will hold its first meeting on June 27. The commission also quietly replaced one of its members, former Louisiana Secretary of Health and Hospitals Bruce Greenstein. His [...]