senior villages

Why Can’t We Expand Access To Transportation For Older Adults?

Why can’t we do a better job providing safe, cost-effective, and reliable transportation to older adults? For decades, we’ve known about the consequences of poor transportation. It is a major reason why people miss medical appointments, struggle to shop for food and medicine, and become more socially isolated. It can contribute to malnutrition and falls, result in more emergency department [...]

By |2019-02-18T14:57:42-05:00February 18th, 2019|transportation|0 Comments

Using Housing As a Hub For Senior Services

Most seniors want to age at home rather than move to a senior living facility. But this choice brings many challenges, including the risks of social isolation, limited access to medical care and supportive services, and the potential for falls or other injuries that come from living in a home that is unsafe for a frail older adult. But there [...]

By |2018-04-04T14:21:28-04:00April 4th, 2018|aging in place|0 Comments

How To Reduce Loneliness In Old Age

Isolation and loneliness are serious problems for older adults. They become less mobile, their friends and relatives die, hearing loss and other physical limitations make it harder to communicate with others, and seniors are often reluctant to even try to make new friends. Young people, they say, are not interested, and, as for other older people, why bother, they will [...]

By |2018-03-22T17:43:19-04:00March 22nd, 2018|aging in place|7 Comments

The Risks Of Social Isolation For Older Adults

Socially-isolated older adults are likely to be sicker and die sooner, and have higher health care expenses, than seniors who retain their social connections. A new study by researchers from the AARP Public Policy Institute, Stanford University, and Harvard finds that Medicare spends an estimated $6.7 billion more each year on seniors who have little social contact with others. About [...]

By |2018-02-14T12:43:53-05:00November 29th, 2017|aging in place|8 Comments

Should You Stay In Your Home As You Age Or Move To A Senior Community?

Older adults may be better off living in age-segregated communities than in neighborhoods or buildings filled with young adults or families with kids. They may have better support, access to more services, and even a better sex life. That, at least, is the conclusion of University of Florida professor Stephen Golant, an environmental gerontologist and expert in the housing of [...]

By |2015-10-16T09:28:59-04:00October 16th, 2015|Aging, aging in place, Senior housing|1 Comment

The Future of Age-Friendly Communities: Can They Do It All?

Nearly all of us want to age in place. We want to grow old in a safe, comfortable, secure, affordable, and interesting community. But what the heck does that mean? As the U.S. (and the rest of the world) ages, governments, non-profits, think tanks, advocacy groups, and universities are trying to figure it out. It turns out to be not [...]

By |2014-05-07T13:44:54-04:00May 7th, 2014|Aging, aging in place|1 Comment

How Elders Are Building New Communities

For decades, it’s been easy to answer the question of where we will live as we age. The options were few--our home or our children’s, a nursing home, or some form of large retirement community. Not any more. Unsatisfied with the limited choices of the past, seniors are creating an extraordinary brew of options, inventing new forms of community as [...]

By |2014-04-23T11:27:30-04:00April 23rd, 2014|Aging, aging in place|3 Comments

How Community Resources Could Fill In For Meals on Wheels

The popular Meals on Wheels program has fallen victim to Congress’ clumsy across-the-board spending cuts called sequestration. As a result, local programs are reducing meals deliveries or putting homebound seniors on waiting lists. It is unfortunate that the program is getting cut, especially since its budget has been frozen throughout the Obama Administration. But these cuts may be an opportunity [...]

A Right Way and Wrong Way to Confront Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is a serious and growing problem we know too little about and, worse, too often ignore. It comes in many forms—physical, financial, and emotional. Yet, even as society focuses on addressing child abuse, it has fallen far behind when it comes to responding to elder abuse. Here are a couple of examples of the right way, and the [...]

By |2013-01-30T20:48:19-05:00January 30th, 2013|Aging, elder abuse, nursing homes|4 Comments

Creative New Ideas for Senior Transit as Federal Funding Shrinks

My caringforourparents blog last week on the desperate need for transportation services for seniors generated lots of comments on elder care message boards. Most shared their frustration with the lack of public transit, but others tipped me off to some great ideas for community-based transportation services. The timing is important, given today’s headline that House Republicans are planning on cutting [...]