Elder abuse is one of those issues we prefer to not talk about. And, in truth, there is much we don’t know about it. For instance, even the most basic data on how often abuse happens are notoriously unreliable. Yet, we know it occurs. And far too often.

Financial scams, sometimes orchestrated by trusted advisers and friends; physical abuse by caregivers; physical abuse of caregivers (I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve heard about people being assaulted by the person they are caring for); and often-brutal psychological abuse. It all happens, and it is time we get it on the table. 

There is now a new national campaign to do something about elder abuse. The National Council on Aging and others have begun the Elder Justice Now! campaign to raise awareness and push for federal legislation to combat the problem. To learn more about the issue, and what this group would do about it, check out their website  http://elderjusticenow.org/