Meals on Wheels

FDA’s Approval Of A New Alzheimer’s Drug Shows What’s Wrong With The Way We Care For Frail Older Adults

FDA’s decision last week to approve a new “Alzheimer’s disease treatment,” and the buzz that surrounds it, is a symptom of all that is wrong with the way we care for frail older adults in the US. Rather than providing the supports that people with chronic conditions desperately need, and that evidence shows works, we prefer to chase butterflies. In [...]

By |2021-06-15T11:54:04-04:00June 15th, 2021|long-term care, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Is President Trump Really Proposing To Cut Medicare Benefits By $845 Billion?

If you add up the proposed Medicare changes in President Trump’s 2020 budget, it looks like he would cut the program by $845 billion over the next decade. That’s generated outrage from Democrats, but a closer look suggests that the reductions are much smaller, most would affect providers rather than beneficiaries, and many recycle old ideas that have little chance of ever [...]

By |2019-03-14T18:47:37-04:00March 14th, 2019|Medicare|0 Comments

New Congressional Budget Bill Boosts Spending For Senior Services Programs

The huge 2018 budget bill Congress passed last week includes significant new money for dementia research and modest additional funding for many programs aimed at assisting frail older adults. The final $1.3 trillion bill was a dramatic about-face for President Trump and House Republicans, whose own budget plans would have slashed or even eliminated funding for many seniors’ programs. The [...]

By |2018-03-28T13:05:23-04:00March 28th, 2018|Federal senior services programs|0 Comments

What the Trump Budget Would Mean For Seniors

While most proposals in President Trump’s newly released 2019 budget are unlikely to become law, the fiscal framework does show the White House’s priorities for government over the coming year. And those apparently don’t include support for older adults, younger people with disabilities, or their families. For example, the budget would: Restructure the Medicare drug benefit to reduce costs for [...]

By |2018-02-14T10:42:20-05:00February 14th, 2018|Federal senior services programs, Medicare|2 Comments

One Cheer for Congress Renewing the Older Americans Act

Congress has finally renewed the Older Americans Act—a key piece of the social safety net for seniors. It is good that, after a decade in limbo, the law finally has been reauthorized. But before you break out the balloons and champagne, remember that keeping programs alive on paper is not the same as paying for them. And the government safety [...]

By |2016-04-20T11:33:43-04:00April 20th, 2016|Federal senior services programs|8 Comments

Congress OK’s Big Boost In Alzheimer’s Research But Offers Little To Help Those Who Already Have The Disease

Just before leaving town for the year, Congress passed a budget that increased funding for Alzheimer’s research by 60 percent, but, as usual, provided little new money for programs that help those who have the disease, other frail elders, or their caregivers. Over the past six years, funding for most of these much-needed programs has not even kept up with [...]

By |2015-12-28T15:48:52-05:00December 28th, 2015|dementia, Federal senior services programs|0 Comments

New Federal Budget Freezes Most Spending for Senior Services—Again

Congress has again frozen funding for most senior services programs, from Meals on Wheels and other nutrition programs to falls prevention and state health insurance assistance programs (SHIPs). This has been the trend throughout most of the Obama Administration. But it may be about to come to an end, as we near a time when federal funding for senior programs [...]

By |2014-12-17T10:00:18-05:00December 17th, 2014|Federal senior services programs|1 Comment

What the GOP’s Congressional Victory Means for Senior Services

Republican control of Congress means that senior service programs—most of which have been frozen for years—will face growing budget pressures. At the same time, the GOP also may try to give states more flexibility in the way they provide Medicaid and other benefits to the elderly and disabled. And while the GOP leadership will be under pressure from Tea Party [...]

By |2014-11-05T14:18:50-05:00November 5th, 2014|Federal senior services programs|1 Comment

Congress Cuts or Freezes Most Senior Services Programs in New Budget Deal

Congress is about to agree to a bipartisan budget for 2014 that will at best freeze federal spending for many critical senior services. In a few cases, the fiscal plan will increase funding a bit from the low levels driven by last year’s across-the-board “sequester” spending cuts. But for the most part, programs will have to meet growing demand for [...]

By |2014-01-15T17:21:32-05:00January 15th, 2014|Aging, Federal senior services programs|0 Comments

What Will the Budget Mess Mean for Seniors and Social Security?

How will Washington’s ongoing budget crisis affect seniors? Not much, at first. But it could become very costly in just a few weeks. One big unresolved question: Will Social Security benefits be paid if the government breaches the debt limit? Many seniors programs will continue to operate for at least a while. For now, Social Security checks are going out [...]