Health reform

We Need to Connect Medical and Social Care for Seniors

Eighty-give percent of physicians say that unmet social needs lead to worse health outcomes, according to a new survey sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. But only 20 percent are confident in their ability to help patients and their families meet those needs. Talk about good news and bad news! The survey asked about a wide range of social [...]

By |2011-12-28T17:24:44-05:00December 28th, 2011|Aging, Care Coordination, Health reform|7 Comments

What the Super Committee’s Failure Means for Senior Health Programs

This week’s failure of the deficit super committee may have saved Medicare and Medicaid from spending reductions for now, but don’t kid yourself: These programs remain squarely in the fiscal bulls-eye. As part of last August’s deal to extend the federal debt limit, Congress agreed that if the super committee was unable to reduce the deficit by $1.2 trillion over [...]

The Phony CLASS Act Scandal

Republican critics of the CLASS Act--the national long-term care insurance program that was included in the 2010 health law-- have concocted a phony scandal about how the law passed. As I have written often, CLASS  is deeply flawed (though well-intended). But there is a big difference between a poorly executed idea and a scandal. In a report that is as partisan as it is [...]

By |2011-09-16T13:34:53-04:00September 16th, 2011|Health reform, long-term care insurance|7 Comments

An End-of-Life Lesson from the UK

More than 8,000 general practitioners in the United Kingdom will soon begin displaying in their offices seven "end-of-life" promises to their patients.  It is a great idea. According to an article in The Independent, every  GP (much like primary care physicians in the U.S.) will post this end-of-life pledge on the wall of their waiting room.    The Charter for End of [...]

By |2011-06-02T00:35:16-04:00June 2nd, 2011|End of life, Health reform|0 Comments

What Medicaid Cuts Will Mean For Seniors

Kaiser Health News published my column today on what Medicaid cuts would mean for seniors and others with disabilities. While most of the public and many policymakers never think about the importance of the Medicaid safety net for these people, the program is the nation's largest single payer of of long-term care supports and services. If future Medicaid benefits are reduced and most middle-class [...]

HHS’ Sebelius: CLASS Sustainability “Non-Negotiable”

In an important speech for those interested in the future of the CLASS Act, federal Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said today that the program must be self-supporting but conceded that, as designed, it may not meet that goal.  "The program must be able to pay for benefits over the long-term with the premiums it takes [...]

Will the New Congress Repeal the CLASS Act?

There is lots of quiet speculation in Washington about the fate of the CLASS Act in the wake of the huge Republican 2010 election day victory. Will CLASS be repealed? Will it be changed in any major way? My best guess is that CLASS--the national voluntary long-term care insurance program passed as part of the 2010 health reform law--will neither be repealed nor fundamentally [...]

Obama’s Choice to Run Medicaid and Medicare

Kudos to President Obama for making a "recess appointment" of Don Berwick to run the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Berwick may be the ideal choice for the job. He is the right candidate at exactly the right time. The new health law makes possible broad reforms in the way we deliver health and long-term care. But it by no [...]

Family Caregivers: The Real Medical Homes

Those of us who are caring for our parents or other loved ones know how tough it is. The emotional, physical, and financial burdens are sometimes overwhelming. Bathing your father or changing his adult diaper puts both of you in a new, uncomfortable, and difficult world. But at a Syracuse University long-term care conference I attended last Thursday and Friday, Carol Levine reminded me about the medical expertise caregivers [...]

The White House Begins to Market the CLASS Act

Nice to see President Obama and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius beginning to talk about the CLASS Act--the voluntary national long-term care insurance program that is included in the new health law. But unfortunately, even at a town hall yesterday at a senior center, CLASS was little more than an afterthought for the Administration. Sebelius discussed the new program only in response [...]