
Paul Ryan Would Slash Federal Senior Services

Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney's vice-presidential pick, would fundamentally remake federal health and long-term care services for the frail elderly and adults with disabilities. He'd completely restructure Medicare, slash funding for Medicaid, and likely abolish most of the other safety net programs that this vulnerable population has come rely on over the last half-century. It is fair to say that no major party candidate for [...]

Stop Hyping Alzheimer’s Cures, Learn to Care for People Who Have the Disease

You can't escape the seemingly ubiquitous news stories about the latest cure for Alzheimer's. There is only one problem: None of them are true. Some are simply frauds. But many are over-hyped interpretations of serious research. You know the story...In what may be a major breakthrough in the battle against Alzheimer's disease... Over at Dr. Al Power wrote a terrific blog post [...]

By |2012-08-06T14:59:52-04:00August 6th, 2012|Aging, dementia|9 Comments

Hill Panel Debates Managing Care for Dual Eligible Seniors

Everybody wants to do a better job coordinating care for the frail elderly and younger adults with disabilities who have extensive medical and personal care needs. But just how to do it is becoming increasingly controversial—especially on Capitol Hill. The current flashpoint is an aggressive new Obama Administration initiative aimed at improving care and cutting costs for those who are [...]

Integrating Health Care and Long-Term Care

Let me tell you about Frank. At  86, he has heart disease, diabetes, and kidney failure. He lives at home but struggles with the 16 medications he must take every day. He could also use some social support--maybe an adult day program, help shopping, or just somebody to keep him company. What Frank needs most of all is somebody who can help organize all of his medical [...]

We Are Not Prepared for Long-Term Care

This morning, I was on Diane Rehm's NPR radio show talking about long-term care insurance.  The other guests--former Social Security Administrator Ken Apfel, Families USA executive director Ron Pollack, and Kiplinger's Personal Financec olumnist Kim Lankford--and I agreed on one thing: Private LTC insurance is an appropriate tool for some consumers, but it is not a realistic alternative for many others. The challenge is [...]

Mass. Moves to Require End-of-Life Talks

WBUR radio and Kaiser Health News report that the Massachusetts Senate has quietly approved a measure requiring doctors and nurses to discuss end of life options with patients who have a terminal illness. The Palliative Care Awareness bill was included as part of a sweeping health reform measure and, remarkably, was not controversial.  It was supported by both Republicans and Democrats and [...]

By |2012-05-25T18:40:33-04:00May 25th, 2012|Aging, End of life, Health reform|1 Comment

Will Adult Children Have to Pay Mom’s Nursing Home Costs?

A Pennsylvania state appeals court has ruled that the adult son of a nursing home resident is responsible for her unpaid $93,000 bill. And the decision has some elder care lawyers wondering if this is just the beginning of a trend. Pennsylvania is one of 30 states that have filial responsibility statutes—laws that impose a duty on adult children to [...]

Sen. Corker: Long-Term Care is “Heading for a National Crisis”

Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn) warned today that long-term care financing is "a major train wreck" and "heading for a national crisis." Corker, the senior Republican on the Senate Aging Committee, said he was very worried about the viability of private long-term care insurance and added , "there is no doubt there is a public sector role" in the future of financing [...]

What You Need to Know if Mom Needs Surgery

Increasingly, surgeons are beginning to change the way they perform operations on elderly patients. They are coming to realize that almost everything is different about surgery on older people:  The patient’s goals, the likelihood of complications, and the entire process of treatment from pre-op through surgery itself to recovery. As a result, doctors are learning that they not only need [...]

By |2012-04-05T22:00:29-04:00April 5th, 2012|Aging, Health Care|1 Comment

What the House GOP Budget Means for Senior Services

 The fiscal plan proposed this week by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) would profoundly change the way seniors and younger adults with disabilities receive health care and personal assistance.   For many programs, it would reduce funding from today’s levels even though the population of those over 65 will double by mid-century. In many ways, it would end the [...]