
End Medicaid’s Institutional Bias for Long-Term Care

If, like millions of Americans, you need personal assistance and run out of money, you may be eligible for long-term care under Medicaid. But in order to get those safety net benefits, you may have no choice but to move into a nursing home. This is true even though most people prefer to stay at home and most of the [...]

Divided Congressional LTC Panel Will Urge Modest Delivery Reforms, Deadlocks on Financing

A divided congressional long-term care commission has adopted a package of recommendations aimed at improving the nation’s long-term supports and services.  However, while a majority of the panel agreed on some modest delivery and workforce reforms, it could not reach a consensus on all-important financing solutions. In effect, the commission will recommend changes that would effectively retain the current framework of financing [...]

The Worst Advice for Family Caregivers: Parent Your Aging Parents

In the always-complex, often-painful world of family caregiving, there is no worse advice than this: When your parents need help, you must reverse roles and become their parents. Here is the reality: If you are the adult child of an aging parent, you will always be their child and they will always be your parent. They may need your help [...]

By |2013-09-04T18:14:00-04:00September 4th, 2013|Aging, Caregiver tips, family caregivers|7 Comments

The Dementia Rate May Be Falling—And What It Means

Two major new studies have turned the popular perception of dementia on its head. For years, we’ve heard that Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia are on the rise—a prediction that strikes fear in the hearts of both the public and policymakers. But these new reports conclude that dementia rates may be falling, and suggest that some forms of [...]

The Disappearing Family Caregiver

Family caregivers are the bedrock of our system of long-term supports and services. At least eight of every ten people receiving care get it at home (not in a nursing home or other residential facility), and nearly all of their assistance is provided by relatives or friends. But a forthcoming study by AARP finds that huge demographic changes threaten to [...]

By |2013-07-26T16:53:16-04:00July 26th, 2013|Aging, aging in place, family caregivers|0 Comments

Costs of Long-Term Care Rise While Payment Options Narrow

It is a cruel paradox: As the cost of long-term care rises and the number of people needing it grows, traditional options for paying for these supports and services are narrowing. Traditional private long-term care insurance is largely disappearing from the marketplace. Reverse mortgages, already something of a niche product, are likely to become harder to get-- especially for those [...]

An Easy Way To Tell If Surgery On An Older Adult Will Be A Success

It is often a tough question:  Mom has an illness that could be treated with surgery. The operation is routine for a younger patient. But is it too risky for an elder like mom? Today, doctors who consider the special risks of surgery for older patients must use complicated and time-consuming assessments to judge whether an operation is the best choice. But University of [...]

By |2013-07-10T17:40:04-04:00July 10th, 2013|Aging, Health Care|1 Comment

Nursing Home Use by Medicaid Seniors is Plunging

  Take a look at this table, which AARP's Don Redfoot posted earlier this week: It is a remarkable story: Long-stay nursing home care by seniors enrolled in Medicaid has been plummeting for 15 years. It is not clear exactly why, but there are probably several reasons. First, state Medicaid programs have been shifting care from nursing facilities to home and community-based settings--a step that seniors themselves favor and one [...]

Three New Health Reform Plans Ignore the Long-Term Care Needs of Seniors and People with Disabilities

In the past few weeks, no fewer than three highly respected groups have proposed major health care reforms. They all promise greater use of patient-centered integrated care, but none include supports and services for frail elders or younger people with disabilities. It took four decades to incorporate a drug benefit into Medicare. Now we seem to be in the same place [...]