Washington Post

The Real Story Behind The Latest Hospice Controversy

The Washington Post published an extensive investigative story on hospice the other day. The take away: Hospices (mostly for-profits) are making big bucks by manipulating their case loads to maximize Medicare payments. In short, they are taking on many patients who are frail but not dying and thus staying on hospice care for a very long time. But the Post [...]

By |2014-01-03T14:40:23-05:00January 3rd, 2014|Care Coordination, End of life, Medicare|1 Comment

The Worst Advice for Family Caregivers: Parent Your Aging Parents

In the always-complex, often-painful world of family caregiving, there is no worse advice than this: When your parents need help, you must reverse roles and become their parents. Here is the reality: If you are the adult child of an aging parent, you will always be their child and they will always be your parent. They may need your help [...]

By |2013-09-04T18:14:00-04:00September 4th, 2013|Aging, Caregiver tips, family caregivers|7 Comments

Why Can’t The Washington Post Understand End-of Life?

In the past two weeks, The Washington Post published two op-ed columns on the end-of-life provision in the House's health reform bill, one by Post editorial writer Charles Lane and the other by house conservative Charles Krauthammer. The proposal would permit Medicare to pay doctors for discussing issues of death and dying with their patients. But the two columns, each [...]

By |2009-08-23T14:54:00-04:00August 23rd, 2009|End of life|0 Comments