Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Failure to Communicate: Why Seniors Are Readmitted to the Hospital So Often

Seniors continue to be readmitted to the hospital too frequently. But when it comes to explaining why, patients and providers are on Mars and Venus. The patients blame doctors and nurses. Doctors and nurses blame patients. And everybody blames the hospitals.  The problem, everyone seems to agree, is that hospital discharges are a mess. Patients don’t understand what they need [...]

By |2013-02-18T20:08:58-05:00February 18th, 2013|Aging, Health Care, Hospitals|2 Comments

We Need to Connect Medical and Social Care for Seniors

Eighty-give percent of physicians say that unmet social needs lead to worse health outcomes, according to a new survey sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. But only 20 percent are confident in their ability to help patients and their families meet those needs. Talk about good news and bad news! The survey asked about a wide range of social [...]

By |2011-12-28T17:24:44-05:00December 28th, 2011|Aging, Care Coordination, Health reform|7 Comments