post-acute care

The US Health System Should Focus on Pre-Acute Care Not Post-Acute

The US health system focuses an enormous amount of money and attention on post-acute care—the medical treatment patients receive after they have been discharged from a hospital. But it would more cost effective, and far better for patients, to refocus on what you might call pre-acute care: What the US can do to prevent those hospitalizations in the first place. [...]

By |2024-03-05T15:36:34-05:00March 5th, 2024|Health Care|0 Comments

Getting Post-Acute Care At Home Saves Money But May Not Better Than A Skilled Nursing Facility

Patient advocates really, really want to believe that people discharged from a hospital are better off getting additional medical care and rehab at home than in a skilled nursing facility (SNF). But an important new study of 17 million Medicare claims over seven years tells a more ambiguous story. The study found that post-acute care at home resulted in significantly [...]

By |2019-03-20T15:51:26-04:00March 20th, 2019|Medicare|0 Comments

A Judge Orders Medicare To Clarify When It Will Pay For Rehab and Skilled Nursing

Imagine your mom has a stroke. Once she is stabilized, she is sent to a skilled nursing facility for rehab. Then she goes home and gets some home health care and additional physical therapy. Medicare may pay, but for how long? For many years, that was decided by the “improvement standard.” In other words, as long as this care helped [...]

By |2016-08-24T11:48:14-04:00August 24th, 2016|Medicare|2 Comments