How To Redesign Long-Term Care For Older Adults After COVID-19

The way we care for older adults in the US is, self-evidently, not working.  In just the past three months, at least  44,000 residents and staff of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities have died from COVID-19. Hundreds of thousands have been sickened. And millions have been isolated from family and friends for months. Yet, this crisis did not [...]

By |2020-06-09T10:11:34-04:00June 9th, 2020|long term care reform|10 Comments

What Are Adult Day Centers—Besides The Basis For Political Insults?

Adult day centers seem to have made it into the political debate in Washington, though not in a good way. In his nasty weekend  back-and-forth with President Trump, Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) suggested the White House has become an “adult care center” and wondered if the staff had “missed a shift” when Trump launched his Sunday Twitter storm. Yesterday, Rep [...]

By |2018-02-14T12:43:53-05:00October 11th, 2017|Caregiver tips|1 Comment

A New Vision For Medicare: Breaking Down Barriers Between Medical Treatment And Personal Care

Since July 1 was the 50th anniversary of Medicare first enrolling (and paying benefits for) seniors, it’s a good time to think about modernizing the half-century old program. A couple of weeks ago I tried to make the case for why we should improve Medicare. Now, let’s think about how. Medicare needs to better serve a population of older adults [...]

By |2016-07-13T11:49:39-04:00July 13th, 2016|Medicare|1 Comment

The Real Story Behind The Latest Hospice Controversy

The Washington Post published an extensive investigative story on hospice the other day. The take away: Hospices (mostly for-profits) are making big bucks by manipulating their case loads to maximize Medicare payments. In short, they are taking on many patients who are frail but not dying and thus staying on hospice care for a very long time. But the Post [...]

By |2014-01-03T14:40:23-05:00January 3rd, 2014|Care Coordination, End of life, Medicare|1 Comment

Make Long-Term Care Insurance Part of Health Care

Why not make insurance for long-term care services and supports part of health care coverage? It is a radical idea that turns the current model—which often treats long-term care insurance as an element of retirement planning—entirely on its head.  The concept isn’t new. John Rother, who ran public policy for AARP for many years, talked about integrating long-term services and [...]

The Growth of Managed Long-Term Care

As Medicaid budget pressures grow, more states are turning long-term care over to private managed care companies. USA Today reports that six states now require both frail elderly and younger adults with disabilities to enroll in insurance-run Medicaid managed care plans. Another 10 states are planning to either create or expand these programs, according to the story. The reason, of course: money. States pay the [...]