national institute on aging

NIH Steps Back From Project Developing Alzheimer’s Diagnostic Standards

The National Institutes of Health’s Institute of Aging has dropped its name from a controversial joint project with Alzheimer’s Association to revise clinical research standards, which it calls criteria, for determining who has Alzheimer’s disease. The relationship was unusual. NIH rarely sponsors projects to develop such standards, and almost never partners with advocacy groups. Typically, such guidance is written by expert panels organized [...]

By |2023-10-31T17:27:50-04:00October 31st, 2023|dementia|0 Comments

Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Severe Depression Is Normal For Seniors. It Isn’t, And You Can Get Help

Twice over the past few weeks I’ve heard a variation of the same story: An older adult tells her primary care doctor she is feeling severely depressed. Each time, the physician responds by saying depression is normal for seniors. Something like, “What do you expect? You’ve got aches and pains. Your friends are dying. It is what happens.” That response [...]

By |2023-01-06T13:36:08-05:00January 6th, 2023|Health Care|0 Comments