long-term care workers

How To Get Long-Term Care Workers To Take The Covid-19 Vaccine

As of Monday, only about 22 percent of the covid-19 vaccine doses that have been distributed for use in long-term care facilities have made their way into the arms of residents and staff.  As has been well documented, these residents—nearly all with pre-existing medical conditions and functional and cognitive impairment-- are the most vulnerable to serious illness and death from [...]

By |2021-01-13T14:57:02-05:00January 13th, 2021|nursing homes|8 Comments

What Could Congress’ Long-Term Care Commission Accomplish?

On New Year's Day, as part of the law that kept the nation from toppling over the fiscal cliff for two months, Congress quietly repealed the Community Living Assistance Services & Support (CLASS) Act, and created a new commission to recommend broad long-term care reforms that could affect financing, delivery and care workers. I was, and continue to be, very skeptical about the commission's ability to [...]