Harvard University

The Risks Of Social Isolation For Older Adults

Socially-isolated older adults are likely to be sicker and die sooner, and have higher health care expenses, than seniors who retain their social connections. A new study by researchers from the AARP Public Policy Institute, Stanford University, and Harvard finds that Medicare spends an estimated $6.7 billion more each year on seniors who have little social contact with others. About [...]

By |2018-02-14T12:43:53-05:00November 29th, 2017|aging in place|8 Comments

Policy Experts Agree: The U.S. System for Financing Long-Term Care is Crumbling

America’s system for financing long-term care is failing, and the window for creating a payment system that works is rapidly closing. That was the conclusion of a morning-long expert session sponsored last week by the SCAN Foundation. While the participants differed on specific solutions, most agreed on four key issues: The existing system for funding paid long-term supports and services [...]