Frances Norwood

The Death With Dignity Debate Misses The Point

Ever since the death of Brittany Maynard--the 30-year old with terminal brain cancer who ended her own life last November-- the issue of physician-assisted suicide has received an enormous amount of attention.  Now it is back in the headlines as many states consider laws permitting the practice. It is an important and passionate debate, but for the vast majority of people, it misses [...]

By |2015-03-11T10:32:07-04:00March 11th, 2015|Aging, End of life|0 Comments

Walter Mosley On Becoming Marginalized in Old Age

Yesterday, I participated in an AARP program with several authors of books on caregiving. One fellow panelist, the novelist Walter Mosley, was wonderfully provocative as he reflected on what he calls “the great equalizing effect of great age.” Mosley, whose mother was Jewish and whose father was black, put it this way:  “White people become black people when they can [...]

By |2011-12-02T16:08:27-05:00December 2nd, 2011|Aging, dementia, End of life, family caregivers|0 Comments

Dealing with the Loneliness of Aging

My dad, who had congestive heart failure, lived on the second floor of a garden apartment building that had no elevator. As the disease made him weaker, he could no long walk down the stairs. And for the last year of his life, he was trapped in his own apartment. An "outing" was a slow walk, and eventually, a wheelchair ride about 100 feet to the [...]

By |2011-09-07T14:56:23-04:00September 7th, 2011|Aging, aging in place, Senior housing, transportation|11 Comments