Employee Benefit Research Institute

Many Americans Go Broke In Retirement, But Many Others Gain Wealth In Old Age

While many Americans spend their through assets in old age, a surprising number have more savings two decades after retiring than they do when they leave their jobs.  The phenomenon is yet another chapter in the story of old age in the US-- which might be titled A Tale Of Two Retirements. A new study by Sudipto Benerjee of the [...]

By |2018-04-18T15:35:38-04:00April 18th, 2018|Aging|4 Comments

We Are Not Prepared for Long-Term Care

This morning, I was on Diane Rehm's NPR radio show talking about long-term care insurance.  The other guests--former Social Security Administrator Ken Apfel, Families USA executive director Ron Pollack, and Kiplinger's Personal Financec olumnist Kim Lankford--and I agreed on one thing: Private LTC insurance is an appropriate tool for some consumers, but it is not a realistic alternative for many others. The challenge is [...]