citizens league

A Community Tackles Long-Term Care II

I got back last night from two days in St. Paul, Minn, where I worked with a few dozen deeply commited people who are looking for concrete solutions to the challenges of long-term care. The program was sponsored by the Citizen's League, and it brought together nursing home executives, retired physicans, lobbyists, state officials, advocates for the elderly and the disabled, care [...]

By |2009-08-19T19:34:32-04:00August 19th, 2009|long term care reform|0 Comments

A Community Tackles Long-Term Care

I'm off to St. Paul to particpate in a two-day workshop on long-term care sponsored by the Minnnesota Citizens League, a non-profit dedicated to finding common ground on important policy issues among business, government, community organizations, and individuals. The progam, entitled Creating Incentives for Personal Responsibility in Long-Term Care, has exactly the right goal: Finding community solutions to the challenges of caring for [...]

By |2009-08-16T10:49:11-04:00August 16th, 2009|long term care reform|0 Comments