Amy Finkelstein

A Provocative Prescription For Fixing US Health Insurance

We’ve Got You Covered: Rebooting American Health Care is a study in contrast. On one hand it is a chatty, easily accessible look at the failings of the US health insurance system by two of the nation’s best young health economists. But behind the one-liners and informal presentation, it proposes a highly provocative, radical alternative to our current mess. Liran [...]

By |2023-09-29T15:19:03-04:00October 10th, 2023|Health Care|0 Comments

Medicare May Be Spending Far Less on End-Of-Life Patients Than We Think

You probably have heard the statistic: One-quarter of Medicare spending is for patients in the last year of life.  It is cited as a major reason for excessive medical spending in the US and leads to a widely-accepted conclusion: If only we would stop “wasting” dollars on futile care for those who soon will die anyway, we could significantly slow [...]

By |2018-10-11T09:32:44-04:00October 11th, 2018|End of life, Medicare|0 Comments

How Medicare Wastes $4.6 Billion a Year On Long-Term Care Hospitals

Mom falls and breaks her hip. Her injury is repaired at the local acute care hospital but she needs intensive rehab and post-surgical care. She could be sent home or to a skilled nursing facility (SNF) but instead she is discharged to a long-term care hospital (LTCH)—a facility that specializes in intensive post-acute services. But a new study, published by [...]

By |2018-08-29T15:52:45-04:00August 29th, 2018|Health Care|0 Comments

Should You Buy Long-Term Care Insurance? Maybe Not

Private long-term care insurance can be an important tool to protect against the risk of needing costly personal assistance in old age. But two respected financial economists conclude it is very expensive relative to the benefits it provides and may not be appropriate  for many buyers. At the same time, a new consumer brief from the Society of Actuaries  suggests how much wealth you should have for coverage to make sense.      The research paper from economists [...]