long term care reform

House GOP Budget Plan Would Slash Programs for Seniors

The House Republican Budget proposal released today calls for the biggest changes in health and long-term care services for the elderly in a half-century. While there is no chance that these proposals will be enacted as proposed, they reflect a profound sea change in the way many in Washington look at assistance for seniors, and especially for the frail elderly. [...]

Money Follows the Person, Medicaid, Elders, and Nursing Homes

Money Follows the Person is a cornerstone of the federal government's effort to move Medicaid beneficiaries from nursing homes into the community. But a new study commissioned by Medicaid itself shows how difficult those transitions can be. In the 30 states that have been testing the program over the past three years, only 8,500 people have used MFP to return to their communities. That's [...]

The Growth of Managed Long-Term Care

As Medicaid budget pressures grow, more states are turning long-term care over to private managed care companies. USA Today reports that six states now require both frail elderly and younger adults with disabilities to enroll in insurance-run Medicaid managed care plans. Another 10 states are planning to either create or expand these programs, according to the story. The reason, of course: money. States pay the [...]

HHS’ Sebelius: CLASS Sustainability “Non-Negotiable”

In an important speech for those interested in the future of the CLASS Act, federal Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said today that the program must be self-supporting but conceded that, as designed, it may not meet that goal.  "The program must be able to pay for benefits over the long-term with the premiums it takes [...]

New Study: CLASS Insurance Unaffordable for Many

A new study by the highly respected Center for Retirement Research at Boston College concludes that premiums for coverage under the CLASS Act--the new voluntary national long-term care insurance program included in the 2010 health reform law--are likely to be unaffordable for many middle class families. The analysis, by center director Alicia Munnell and co-author Josh Hurwitz, projects an average monthly [...]

By |2011-02-02T15:29:29-05:00February 2nd, 2011|long term care reform|1 Comment

The Coming Budget Freeze on Elder Care, and What to Do About It

Prepare yourself for big new cuts in government support for elder care.   In his State of the Union address last evening, President Obama called for a five-year freeze on a narrow slice of the federal budget. Unfortunately, programs subject to the freeze would include many that are critically important to the frail elderly and younger people with disabilities--especially those living in [...]

A Minnesota Civic Group’s Plan to Reform Long-Term Care

Last year, the Minnesota Citizen's League asked me to help with a very ambitious project: The group wanted to find ways to improve our broken system of long-term care financing. Earlier this month, the non-profit, non-partisan League came up with its recommendations. I don't agree with them all, but among their far-reaching proposals are some ideas that I hope have legs.  The League's white paper, [...]

By |2010-12-22T14:20:12-05:00December 22nd, 2010|long term care reform, Medicaid|0 Comments

Obama Aide: “Cautiously Optimistic” About the CLASS Act

Senior Obama Administration official Richard Frank says he is "cautiously optimistic" that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) can build a viable government sponsored long-term care insurance program under the CLASS Act. CLASS is a national, voluntary long-term care insurance system that was included in the 2010 health reform law. Frank, a highly respected professor of health policy at Harvard Medical School, is Deputy Assistant [...]

Obama Deficit Panel Chairs: CLASS Act is “Unsustainable”

Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, the co-chairs of President Obama's deficit reduction commission, have called the CLASS Act "unsustainable" and are proposing that it be either reformed or repealed. They say the national voluntary long-term care insurance program passed as part of this year's health reform law "is viewed by many experts as financially unsound." The first version of the Bowles-Simpson [...]

The Obama Fiscal Commission, Medicaid, and Seniors

The co-chairs of President Obama's bipartisan deficit commision have proposed a far-reaching plan to reduce the nation's massive deficit. It includes big changes for both current and future seniors. Among them: higher Social Security taxes and reforms in the design of benefits, reduced payments to Medicare providers and greater cost sharing by Medicare beneficiaries, and, perhaps most dramatic, a fundamental change in federal payments for Medicaid long-term [...]

By |2010-11-10T16:59:45-05:00November 10th, 2010|long term care reform, Medicaid, Medicare|0 Comments